About Us.

Our History.

The Monash Student Managed Fund (’MSMF’) seeks to provide Monash university students practical experiences in fund management and finance through a student managed fund experience. Our vision for the fund is to up skill Monash university students in finance, complement and accelerate their classroom learnings, and increase their employability in the graduate market.

MSMF was established in 2022 Semester 1 with four investment teams who researched and pitched a stock from their chosen industry sector. This culminated in a Pitch Night where the investment teams presented their proposals to the Executive team, Investment team, and industry professionals. After the voting process to determine which stocks to ‘buy’, the stock orders were placed in a paper trading portfolio managed by the Chief Investment Officer. Since the beginning of 2023, MSMF has grown to a community of over 70 members. To demonstrate our commitment to building a strong Fund, we have also established specialised teams that contribute to various areas of MSMF's development, such as Risk, Sponsorships and Diversity & Inclusion. The future ambition of the MSMF is to eventually have students invest using real money and to turn the trading extracurricular into a classroom unit through which students can achieve credit for.

Read our interview with CFA Society Australia here.

Our Values.

Our Philosophy.

Our Future.